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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Acts 16:22-24

*And the multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them.*

*And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely:*

*Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

You are not at a dead end because your situation is not hopeless.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

You are at a dead end when you feel nothing will ever work again.

Paul and Silas appeared to be at a dead end, but God made it to achieve an end.

An end that brought glory to God.

The story of Paul and Silas tells us that a dead end can be God's way to achieve an end for Himself.

You are not at a dead end because you are not dead but alive, and when you are alive, there is hope.

Though there are situations in our lives when everything seems to be coming to an end. We find ourselves on what seems like a never-ending road in the middle of a wilderness. We feel hopelessly lost.

Remember, we could not be more lost than when Christ found us.

Bible says we were gone astray. It was so bad that by ourselves, there was no exit from our sinful nature, depression, frustrations, etc.

These often perceived dead ends make people feel that every course of action they pursue in life, either success of failure, leads to nothing further.

Success has not brought joy. Failure or lack of success has definitely not brought joy.

Do not place yourself or determine that your life is at a dead end when God has not ended with you.

It is the plan of the devil to make you feel nothing can ever work for you.

Today is a present. This present day affords you yet another opportunity presented with the grace from God to achieve much.

You are not at a dead-end!

You can only believe if you have the mind of Christ. At the cross, everything seemed a dead-end. However, on the third day, hope rose, and a new life was given to all who believed.

Do you believe this?

*Remorse corner.*

There will always be a solution with God. Your challenges are not dead ends. They are door ways.

*Call to Word action.*

Paul and Silas reached a dead-end in jail, but they learned how to turn their dead-end to a victory. You can end your dead-end, by prayer, or praise. Paul and Silas chose praise! Acts 16:25).

*The Christian clarion duty.*

God will not lead you to a point where you will give up on life. It is the devil that does this. If it is a delay, it is not a dead-end.

If it appears as a dead-end, know it is to achieve a God's end!


Lord, help me as You turn every seemingly dead-end to achieve an end to Your glory, in Jesus name.

Good morning all, and have a blessed day today.

God bless you.

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