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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Matt 10:8 *Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Free without a price, yet all gifts from the Kingdom remain incomparable to any free gift.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

Our redemption/salvation is vital for eternity.

People give things out free.

There are things that are given out free yet with no value.

They are mostly things that have diminished over time. The blood of Christ is not so. It is everlasting. It has passed the test of time.

Every gift of God is free. This is why it is a gift. Most prominent is the blood shed for the remission of our sins.

What made the blood pass any test of time is that before God created anything at all, at least three things were already true:

First, God saw mankind as lost.

Second, God saw mankind in need of a Savior;

Third, the eternal plan of salvation was already planned out.

Eph 1:4 says *According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:*

Eph 3:9 says *And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:* Eph 3:9.

Paul says in Colossians 1:26 *the mystery that was hidden for ages and generations but is now revealed to His saints.*

It tells us about God's foreknowledge.

This can not be bought by money, and neither is any Kingdom privilege.

God has decided to make them so.

God did not start with money or ask us for a price for our redemption.

He did not annul the parent-children relationship, but He began a divine process of saving us from slavery of sin so that we can be adopted as children of God.

No silver or gold can buy the blessing that He offers.

Satan has used the love of money to propagate the preeminence of prosperity preaching over salvation and holiness.

Though we need money for the Kingdom, we must be careful of its negative influence on the ministry.

The devil uses the love for money more than the essence of money.

Money is good, Eccl 7:12. The love of it is considered dangerous. The love of money is the excessive drive for it more than it is normal.

Not that anything is wrong when the Church preaches prosperity, but a church today is measured by her prosperity rather than how many are heaven bound. A church is measured by net worth rather than Heaven's worth.

Empire built around preachers have taken over from Church built for Christ.

If Jesus were to write letters to Churches as He wrote to the seven Churches in Rev 2 and 3, some, if not, many churches would fail but it will open our eyes to see how many are Heaven bound.

Christ did not put the price that was paid for our sins first, He put Christ first before the sacrifice.

Jesus was God's purchasing power, without money, without price for any monetary gain but for the price of suffering and free grace for us.

*Remorse corner.*

Christ was first made known to us before the blood was shed.

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Rather than waste mankind to the hands of sinful death, Jesus died instead of us as a replacement. He became the propitiation of our sins,

1 John 2:2.

*The Christian clarion duty.*

No payment, nothing was required from us other than to accept, believe Him with all our heart, carry our cross, and follow Him!


Lord, let me not pay any price to Satan, come what may, in Jesus name.

Good morning, and have a blessed day.

God bless you.

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