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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo


Updated: Nov 17, 2021

Luke 17:17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

Insight and Highlight

That ten lepers were healed but only one came to thank Jesus tells us that gratitude is a choice. We can choose to be grateful.

Scripture Commentaries

Choice presents itself in every sphere of life. There is hardly anything that is not guided by choice.

In the garden of Eden, God established the free moral choice to choose between good and evil, ref Gen 2:16-17.

Today, choice has made people, and choice has also marred other persons.

Jesus asked in Luke 17:17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

We can read from Jesus's word that He does take stewardship of gratitude.

When we fail to thank Him, His statement of surprise expressed in dissatisfaction and disappointment will not change from what He asked this Samaritan, a foreigner thousands of years ago!

Choose to be grateful. Jesus is expecting you to give thanks!

Remorse corner

We must ensure the same faith that led us to ask God for healing lead us further in gratitude and love to the Lord for what He had done.

Call to Word action

Let gratitude begin with you.

Luke 17:16, 18 He fell facedown at Jesus' feet in thanksgiving to Him--and he was a Samaritan.

Was no one found except this foreigner to return and give glory to God?

We must choose to be grateful.

The Christian clarion duty

The Christian life must radiate gratitude. A true follower of Christ will not shrink from fellowship with those who have been sharers of the same blessings, ref Acts 19:1-7.


Col 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”

Lord, help me. Let the same faith that drove me to You in need of help, drive me to thank you when You have helped me, in Jesus' name.

Good morning all and be blessed as you come into His presence.

God bless you.

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