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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

1 Cor 13:9 *For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.*

*But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Oftentimes, if not all times, all we receive from God by revelation may just be a part of a whole picture.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

We can only know in part. Only

God knows all things. He knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.

He may not reveal all things to us.

At times, He chooses to tell us a part of what is coming, attimes He tells us none. The undisclosed secrets make Him God, Deut 29:29.

He is all-knowing. We are not-knowing except He reveals to us. We can only know what He reveals to us. If none is revealed, we will know nothing!

Rom 11:33 implies that people search the unreachable and eventually discover God's *"....ways past finding out!*

Great prophets of God were without inspiration when God was silent.

Samuel almost made a mistake at Jesse' house, 1 Sam 16:6-8.

It was recorded that Elisha said God had not revealed to him, 2 Kgs 4:27.

Daniel had to search to receive in a night vision the secret behind Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the five kingdoms, Dan 2.

He told Moses the beginning of his journey to Pharaoh and how it would all end with God showing His power before Pharaoh would let Israel go.

He did not tell him of the ten plagues, Exd 3:19.

He did not tell Joseph about the pit, the prison, etc. He only revealed to him the ultimate end of how the brothers would bow to him, Gen 37:5-10.

Everyone of them saw things imperfectly *" puzzling reflections in a mirror,...*.

All they knew was *.....partial and incomplete,....*

Then, there came, however, a time when they saw everything *....with perfect clarity...*

Then they knew *.....everything completely, just as God.....* now knew them *....completely.* 1 Cor 13:12 (AMP).

Joseph, when he saw everything with clarity was able to say *But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”*, Gen 50:20.

Does everything seem unclear to you?

Do you seem not to know what is going on in your life?

Do not worry. God has ordained that we can only know in parts.

We can not know everything, or at tines we may not know or have an indication of what could happen next.

This has not made you any lesser a child of God that you are.

It is the power of God that makes God who He is as the All-knowing.

Only He is unique with this attribute!

We must always remember that God is not under any obligation to reveal more or less than He wishes to reveal to us.

We serve a God who is complete and selfless!

He is a good God.

*Remorse corner.*

Things may happen to us strangely without any prior warning from God.

Whether or not He reveals, He is in control of every life's outcome.

*Call to Word action.*

Amos 3:7 *Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.*

Whatever He reveals is still part of revealing secrets to His prophets.

He still reserves the divine right to conceal, Deut 29:29. He does as He pleases, Ps 135:6.

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Let us be encouraged that the knowledge we know and the prophecy we know in part, we will know completely just as God knows us completely.


Lord, help me know what l need to know completely just as You know me completely, in Jesus name.

Good morning all and have a blessed day today.

God bless you.

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