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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Rom 15:4 *For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

When times are at their worst for us they will soon get better.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

A famous theologian, Thomas Fuller, in 1650 wrote in one of his books "It is always darkest just before the Day dawneth.” The phrase was from one of his books on travels.

The phrase, as from the time Fuller wrote it, is still used today to offer hope to those going through trials, especially when all hopes seem lost.

This encouraging quote finds root in God's word.

The Bible actually has a great deal to say about tough times,

God's word does encourage us in difficult times reminding us that *".....things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.*, Rom 15:4.

The scriptures offer hope to us when situations seemed hopeless. We are revived to life through God's word.

There are times in the lives of some Bible characters that their dawn came after a long and often painful wait. Patience was key and comfort through God's word to them brought lasting peace, Job 42:5-6,

Paul in 2 Cor 12: 8-10.

The encouragement we see in Joseph's life tells us we can make it through tough times and that tough times will not last forever.

There are other notable lessons from Abraham to Jacob, Jabez, etc.

Abraham believed in hope when it was hopeless to do so, Rom 4:18.

He hoped in the possibility of God's word though there is nothing around him to convince him or prove it was possible, Rom 4:20-21.

He was old, Sarah was old. It was "dark" for them. Abraham was 100 years old, Gen 21:5, Sarah was 90years, Gen 17:17.

Truly their darkest hour was before their dawn.

As old as they were, the light shone on them and their dawn came, Isaac was born, Gen 21.

Rom 4:19 says *And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb:*

After Jabez's darkest hour, his dawn came, God heard his cry, 1 Chron 4:10.

These Bible characters and various admonitions written of them do encourage us. Stay close to God's word in your darkest moment.

In your darkest hour, remember God is working things out for you to bring light in to your situation.

Do not lose hope!

*Remorse corner.*

Are you in your darkest hour, when it seem nothing is clear? Hold on through dark times knowing God is working.

Believe a new dawn of morning sunrise will come to you.

*Call to Word action.*

Psalm 30:5 *"....weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.*

*The Christian clarion duty.*

"The darkest hour is just before the dawn".

Never give up even when all things seem against you. Do not give up on your expectations even when it seems unlikely.


Prov 23:18 *For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.*, in Jesus name.

Good morning all and have a blessed day today.

God bless you.

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