*Scripture Treasure.*
Matt 11:8-10 *But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.*
*But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet.*
*For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.*
*Insight and Highlight.*
God showed us through John that you are considered most suitable by God when obeying authority is a priority.
*Scripture Commentaries.*
Yesterday, we furthered in our look at
the first known man, not only sent by God but also six months 'older' than God who was in Christ.
Today, we will look further at a few lessons we hope to learn.
First, Jesus's word that John was more than a prophet further teaches us that John excelled as a worker in the fulfillment of what he proclaimed.
Some people, though they were called, often deviate from what they were called to proclaim and by so doing
they make the word of God of no effect.
Paul says in Rom 9:7a, they do it in such a way as *....though the word of God hath taken none effect.* For example, the man of God from Judah in Judges 11:11-25.
Second, Jesus said John was sent as a *... messenger....* This teaches us that John was called by God. There are those whom God called and are His messengers, and there are those who are not His messengers. Not all who are prophets or who claim to be messengers of God are of God.
Paul continued in Rom 9:7b, saying
*For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:*
Third, in Matt 11:10, Jesus said John *'.....was sent as a messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.*, Matt 11:10.
The statement *"...before thy face...'* is significant. This means John was called to say things as they were to people's faces. He was called not to be afraid of people' faces, ref Jer 1:8.
Truly, John was bold and confrontational. He told Herod he could not have his brother Phillip's wife (Mark 6:18). John was fearless. He did not compromise God's word. He said it as he was sent. This was why he was spoken in the same breath with the prophet Elijah, Luke 1:17.
John had many qualities, and on no occasion did seniority get into his head. The 'elder' served the 'Younger'.
His priority was to submit to the authority of God.
John's life teaches us that to submit or be under authority is more acceptable to God than to refuse, citing critically different age brackets.
It is an eye opener of how we can work for God unhindered without worrying we are under a younger leader.
Age was never an issue in Jesus and John relationship.
Jesus, the God-Man must submit to John. John must submit to the authority that overrode his reluctance to obey authority.
As far as Jesus was concerned, God's mission must be accomplished. Jesus must be saying that though He was God, the purpose and righteousness for which He came as a Man must be fulfilled.
It was God first. Every other thing must take second place.
Authority must supercede who you are!
Are you older than your leader?
John was, yet he obeyed!
Will you not rather obey and please God?
*Remorse corner.*
John was focused. Many of us lose focus of the assignment by looking at our years of service and/or appeal to our upper against lower age groups.
*Call to Word action.*
Do not groan at your obligations in any age brackets. Submit to authority irrespective of age.
Romans 13:1 tells us, *“Everyone must submit to governing authorities.*
*The Christian clarion duty.*
Do not allow age to divert you away from fulfilling your God-given assignment.
Lord, help me to focus on pleasing You in Jesus name.
Good morning all, and have a blessed day.
God bless you.