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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Luke 13:16 *And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Proverbs 15:23 *A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!*

*Scripture Commentaries.*

You may be going through problems, challenges. These may change how people see or describe you. Before God, however, you are still in His covenant, nothing has changed.

You are still called after His covenant with the patriarchs.

Jesus called a woman with infirmity of eighteen years "a daughter of Abraham".

So much mischief is done by Satan and by people's tongues.

Satan inflicted this woman for eighteen years. The Pharisees were moved with indignation challenging Christ why He should heal on a Sabbath day.

They cared more about tradition than the life of the afflicted woman.

Jesus' power and compassion, His kind response and reply, must have relived the woman's hope. The words of Jesus coupled with her healing and restoration gave her hope of belonginess that she was still loved by Jesus.

People go through a lot of problems but our words of comfort will make them rejoice and make them look upon us as a gift of God to them at their most crucial times.

Prov 16:1 says *".....but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue.*

There is no one with the word of hope that is not inspired by God to do so.

Jesus gave the Pharisees the answer beffiting their selfish and heart of hypocry, Luke 13:15.

People can make life difficult for troubled people by the things they say but from the Lord will come a word that you still belong.

Do not allow any problem to re-define you.

You are still His beloved, nothing has changed.

Whatever you are going through, you are still a daughter of Abraham!

*Remorse corner.*

Though the scriptures narrate her story by what she had gone through which is normal with any narrative description but Jesus told her she belonged to Him.

*Call to Word action.*

When Jesus visits, He will not define you by problem. He will highlight how much God loves you and is willing to free you.

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Be encouraged in the midst of your troubles!

Jesus saw in her a daughter of Abraham yet she had been under Satan’s affliction.

At times we go through trouble not because of anything but because we are children of God.


Lord, deliver me from all my troubles, in Jesus name.

Good morning all and have a blessed day today.

God bless you

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