*Scripture Treasure.*
1 Cor 7:7 *For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.*
*Insight and Highlight.*
Marriage is honorable. To be unmarried is considered acceptable to God as long as the gift of God to be is observed in holiness.
*Scripture Commentaries.*
*Marriage is honorable, and the bed undefiled....*, Heb 13:4.
Paul explained the platform most often misjudged or misinterpreted by people.
He discusses marriage, sex and celibacy.
Paul did not propagate celibacy , nor did he make it a compulsion.
Celibacy is defined as the state of being unmarried. This state comes with sexual abstinence.
Paul said something very significant. He said he wished everyone were like him, but he respects and admonished that there is a gift of God that is given to anyone who would want to be the way he was.
It is widely and biblically acceptable that he was talking about the state of being unmarried.
Celibacy is practiced today in some missions.
At times, some people make individual decisions to be so.
It is important that those who practice celibacy understand God's position on it through the Apostle Paul.
Celibacy possibly carries a sacred vow and an act of renunciation from sexual intimacy.
It is taken to be a religious conviction and an obligation for those under this vision.
Particularly noteworthy is the gift of God for those who wish to choose to be celibate as Paul was.
This important word of Paul is evident in 1 Cor 7:7. He said *....But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.*
Paul must be telling us that God had gifted him to remain the way he was.
Celibacy must be practiced and understood in line with the *'....proper gift of God...'*
Not many people are gifted with celibacy.
If you are not gifted by God to remain celibate, you must not choose to practice it no matter any man-made rules or laid down religious conviction.
Celibacy is not a guarantee to Heaven, and neither is being married.
None of them determines holiness except if done within the confines of God's standard of purity.
Paul was among those who remained unmarried yet was in the will of God.
If God gifts you as he gave Paul, then Heaven is your destination.
If by religious conviction and a sacred vow and God chooses to be in it with you, Heaven is your destination.
If, however, you are forced or persuaded to be celibate but are sexual you are sinning before people, and worst before your Maker.
When celibacy is chosen outside God,
uncontrolled sexual habits are the order of life.
This Paul clearly explains in 1 Cor 7: 5 that there may be a strong desire for sex between married couples when one deprives the other of it.
He says unmarried and widow could burn for sex. This means they could unusually hunger after sexual intimacy.
He says, *".....it is good for them if they abide even as I.*
If they could not, Paul proffers a solution, saying, *"But if they can not contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."* 1 Cor 7:8-9.
Today, there are records of large-scale sexual abuse where people were made to engage in celibacy or remain unmarried or remain widows.
(The word 'widow' can be interpreted as used jointly for both men and women who had lost their partners)
Examine yourself and seek God for direction.
Are you gifted by God to be celibate?
*Remorse corner.*
We are sexual people, and this is how God created us in order to achieve procreation. It is a holy nature as long as it is done within the acceptable God's institution of a holy marriage.
Any sexual activities outside this is considered as whoremongering and adultery.
*Call to Word action.*
*....whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.*, Heb 13:8.
*The Christian clarion duty.*
Paul says celibacy or remaining or choosing to be unmarried is one of the routes to illicit and indiscriminate sex when you are not gifted to be so by God.
Lord, help me to have the Holy Spirit's conviction to do what is acceptable to You, in Jesus name.
Good morning all and have a blessed day today.
God bless you.