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  • Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Job 7:1 *Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of an hireling?*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Though life is not a smooth ride, we can enjoy life if we carry God along or better still, if God carries us along.

*Scripture Treasure.*

Job sums the hardness of life, saying we are like laborers. As laborers, we will be paid for the work we did, and at times, a laborer may be deprived of his hard earned labor.

This is life. It will never give us what we deserve.

Life is hard for the laborer, and he suffers.

A laborer receives his pay for his daily job. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow's job will pay to take care of tomorrow. He takes a day at a time.

This is why Job refers to a man's day as like the days of a hireling.

Job further says a mortal man's life stay on earth is as difficult as a hired hand's daily work. He not only earns like a hireling, his life as difficult as such.

This tells us the life is a day at a time and we must take it as such.

As bad as life is, there are people who are forced to labor, first against their will and second, to labor more than they ought to.

There are people who could help reduce the tension of life for you, but they will refuse to do such in order to make you go through agony and pain.

This is life and how horrible it can be.

No matter what may be, we are all here at this moment on this earth and

in spite of what it offers, we can still find solace in God.

Life is enjoyable (Eccl 9:9), though the devil makes it difficult. Life may be full of sorrows, but it has its time of laughter and celebrations ( Eccl 3).

Life can be compared to a staircase.

You take a step at a time. At times, if you walk too fast to skip a step, you may trip and fall.

If you walk carefully and attentively on the stairs, though you may be quick with it, you will reach the top without tripping or falling.

Life is like a step. Take a step at a time. It is not a smooth ride.

Life will be harder if we neglect God

Remember, rich Solomon, life became vanity when he strayed away from God.

We have God who can help us.

Take life a day at a time with God.

*Remorse corner.*

God has given us life to be enjoyed, so if you want to enjoy life, do not live it without God. Remember that though life is enjoyable, the devil can make it unbearable.

*Call to Word action.*

John 10:10 *The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.*

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Most of us wished life were an elevator because we want a smooth ride. Life is full of emergencies and unpredictable, full of unanticipated eventualities, and in such circumstances, it is advisable to live it, climbing the stairs; taking a step after the other.


Lord, help me to take a day at a time, walking patiently with God, in Jesus name.

Good morning all and have a blessed day today.

God bless you.

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