*Scripture Treasure.*
Genesis 29:18, 30 *“And Jacob loved Rachel;...."*
*And he went in also unto Rachel, and he loved also Rachel more than Leah, and served with him yet seven other years.*
*Insight and Highlight.*
Genesis 29:31 *And when the LORD saw that Leah was hated, he opened her womb: but Rachel was barren.*
*Scripture Commentaries.*
Rachael and Leah were two sisters involved in mutual unhappiness.
They were both in the same relationship but were "mutual enemies," but how?
First, it started with the selfishness and manipulations of Laban, Jacob's uncle and father of Leah and Rachael, Gen 29:25
Secind, the battle of control. Leah used Rachael's request for Reuben's mandrake as an avenue to accuse Rachael of taking or sharing Jacob.
Rachael, in desperation, offered to allow Leah to have Jacob for the night, Gen 30:14.
Third, Rachael battled with emptiness, and infertility was the reason. Leah battled with emptiness, not because of infertility but hatred.
Though sisters, they were mutually exclusive in the relationship. One was either peace or war, while the other was the opposite of either peace or war from the other.
Rachael was a barren womb, an empty womb. Leah was an empty heart.
Rachael was craving for a fruitful womb
Leah was craving for love
What one had, the other lacked. What one lacked, the other had.
Each of them was missing something, and what each of them was missing remained a cause of grave contentions.
God became a mediator: Leah was hated but not forgotten by God, Gen 29:31.
Rachael, a love so perfect, made unreal because of plot twists, but found joy at last.
Each of them may not have had their way to get what they wanted or have their ways as they wanted it, but God came through for them.
God met each of their emptiness, which is that they were both able to have children for Jacob!
Anytime you feel empty, believe, cry to God in faith. God will fill your emptiness.
*Remorse corner.*
Learn to trust God!
In life, we all often feel something is missing. One man's lack is what another man has in abundance.
What one man's abundance is what another man is wallowing in pity for.
*Call to Word action.*
God is a powerful mediator, He fills valleys and emptiness in our lives.
Luke 3:5 *Every valley shall be filled in, and every mountain and hill made low. The crooked ways shall be made straight, and the rough ways smooth.*
*The Christian clarion duty.*
Let us find joy in whatever we are going through. Let us find contentment in whatever we are going through, trusting God will come through for us.
Lord, let me be grateful and find joy in whatsoever l am going through. Rather than complain, let me be grateful.
Hear me when l call in Jesus name.
Good morning all, and have a blessed day today
God bless you.