*Scripture Treasure.*
1 Cor 16:1-2 *Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.*
*Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.*
*Insight and Highlight.*
The early church prepared themselves ahead for the first day of the week (Sunday).
Each of them put aside a portion of the money they earned for the Sunday collection.
*Scripture Commentaries.*
Just as the Jews prepare for the Sabath in the OT (Exd 16:23), Paul admonished the Church in Corinth and Galatia to prepare to give a portion of their money earned for the Sunday Church offering collection, 1 Cor 16:1-2.
Almost every where Paul went, He admonished on giving.
Giving is a heart.
There are some objective approaches to giving.
These are:
First, not having enough to give is not an excuse not to give anything. This is what makes giving a heart.
Second, no amount is small to give God when God and you truly know that is all you have.
The giving of the widow in Mark 12:41-44 clearly illustrates a poor woman who gave out her poverty. It was a sacrifice, and it explains that the sacrifice behind an offering touches God's heart.
Isaac sowed when there was nothing in the land, Gen 26:12-17.
There are other things we need to know concerning giving to God and receiving from Him.
First, it is not God's will to give us back exactly what we gave Him. It is His character to give and reward bountifully.
He even gives us where we have not sown, John 4:38, Mark 10:29-30
Eph 3:20 says He is able to do *"...exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or things.
Rom 8:32 says He can freely give us all things.
2 Pet 1:3 Peter says he gives us all things pertaining to life and godliness.
Third, God expects that we give out of the increase He has given us, Prov 3:9-10.
He wants us to increase in giving because He expects that what He gives us is backed by the power of increase and has no reason to decrease if we rightly manage it.
The parable of the talents clearly illustrates the power of increase expected of every believer based on the talent he had received from Him Matt 25.
Therefore, if what He gave you increased, you can give more and receive more in abundance than you have received.
In Matt 25: 14-30, to those who multiplied their talents, Christ gave more. What they received in return as rewards was more than what they rendered in stewardship to Christ. He made them *"....ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord...* Matt 25:20-23, 28.
So, we may not be receiving more than we have sown because we have refused to multiply our given resources and apply them in giving and stewardship to God or we have not sown commesurate of our increases as expected by Christ.
You do not have to have enough before you give. When you have little to give, as long as you know you are truthful to God, it is acceptable to Him.
*Remorse corner.*
He is a God of increase. He can sacrifice one in order to make way for more, John 3:16, John12:24.
*Call to Word action.*
None of us can hide from God. If you make more and bring in little, He sees you, Gal 6:7
*The Christian clarion duty.*
To fail to give is to lose. God says this why one may plant much, yet harvest little, eat but never satisfied, or lose money because there will be a hole in their pockets, Hag 1:6-7.
Lord, let me not hold back the portion of my earnings meant for You, in Jesus name.
Good morning all and have a blessed day today.
God bless you.