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  • Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*.

Genesis 41:41-43 *And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Everybody has a role in the Kingdom and the nation's building.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

The Kingdom of God is greater than every one of us, so also, any nation is greater than her citizens and inhabitants.

The story of Joseph's engagement in the Egyptian economic development and nations building further teaches us as follows.

First, leaders must look at the big picture.

Pharaoh demonstrated one of the most unbiased decisions in nation-building, and it was second to none that any mortal could make. Besides choosing a Hebrew as second to him, he saw the collosal and bigger Egypt. Pharaoh knew that whatever Joseph would become in life would be credited to Egypt.

It was a major move towards making Egypt a strong and viral economy in the midst of an international famine.

Pharaoh did not see Joseph as a former convict of abuse or a foreigner but rather as one who could make Egypt a life-saver.

After interpreting the dream, Pharaoh reportedly added Joseph into the economic plan so that during the seven years of plenty, Egypt would not only be the economic host of the world, but also a nation that would bring people together across the globe.

Second, it teaches us that when you build others, you are building yourself.

When you engage the right people, the rights of the nation are protected. There are people who are not too familiar to us and who look unqualified around us yet are sound nation builders if only they could identify themselves or are given the opportunity to identify themselves and they will prove themselves if we involve and engage them.

Third, it further teaches that leaders should put their ears to the ground.

There are more sound economic advisers that are not political party members in government.

There are more sound financial managers. There are times that not all who are qualified have conscience and morals.

It is sad according to a saying which goes 'Politics have no relation to morals," but there have been times when an exemplary politician with a sense of moral prevents himself from doing what is wrong.

Pharaoh was a monarch, and he had advisers, but by his supreme power, he did not allow his moral sense to prevent him from doing what was right in the common interest of Egypt.

He engaged the right person and was not afraid to do so, irrespective of any affiliation in order to achieve real change!

*Remorse corner.*

Pharaoh's dream tells us that there is no problem a nation has that God has not made provisions to solve if the right people are engaged to bring the real change.

*Call to Word action.*

Gen 41:29-30 *Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt:*

*And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land;*

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Pharaoh's dream troubled him, but he engaged Joseph to interpret. This brought real change!


Lord, help the church and leaders of nations to engage people who will bring real change. Help us to make ourselves available for use as vessels of honor, in Jesus name.

Good morning all, and have a blessed day today.

God bless you.

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