*Scripture Treasure.*
1 Cor 7:7 *For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.*
*Insight and Highlight.*
A vessel could be anointed whether married or not or with or without children.
*Scripture Commentaries.*
Besides some obvious mention of Peter's mother-in-law, there is notable silence in the scriptures on whether or not a disciple or Apostle had wives or children.
We must surrender to the Spirit's wish not to mention some prophets', disciples' and apostles' wives or children. It is the Spirit's will to choose not to mention them for reasons best known to Him.
The scripture is God's revelation to us. The bible tells us what God wants us to know. What is not written there does not deserve our knowledge or attention, ref Deut 29:29.
The Bible's notable absence of their wives or children may be telling us that whether or not a vessel is married or have children, God's anointing can work unimpeded in their lives.
While Moses's wives, Zipporah (the daughter of Jethro, the priest and prince of Midian), his Egyptian wife and his children, Gershom and Eliezer were mentioned, there was no mention of Elijah's and Elisha's to mention a few.
We can not accuratly conclude the absence of their relationship status in the Bible as meaning they did not marry or have children but we could assume correctly based on the word of God that they may not and for sure that God does not want us to know.
However, though we do not know more than we are told regarding these vessels of God, we must know, going by the life of Paul that a vessel could be unmarried, yet the anointing to speak into marriages may be upon him. Paul could write revelational knowledge on pure and undefiled marriages, yet he was unmarried, 1 Cor 7.
It also goes to tell us that a vessel of God based on his calling may not have children, yet he could admonish on parent-child relationship Eph 6:1-4.
So it goes that a vessel could be lacking, for example, barren, yet the anointing to pray for the barren may be upon him/her.
God works in mysterious ways. Do not lose God's visitation by judging that a vessel could not deliver the supernatural to you because he/she seems to be lacking.
Are you willing to receive anointing?
*Remorse corner.*
It is God who gives anointing as He pleases.
*Call to Word action.*
Do not miss the spiritual by looking at the physical. Fix your eyes on Jesus through His vessel, Heb 12:2.
*The Christian clarion duty.*
It is God's will that you receive the anointing if you do so by faith.
Lord, let me fix my eyes on You as the author and finisher of my faith, in Jesus name.
Good morning all and have a blessed day.
God bless you.