*Scripture Treasure.*
Dan 2: 19 *Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.*
*Insight and Highlight.*
Proverbs 18:16 *A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.*
*Scripture Commentaries.*
If you are chosen by God, you can not be hidden.
God created a vacuum that required bringing Daniel to King Nebuchadnezzar.
A troubled king found a solution in a captive. A king worshipped a captive.
Daniel 2:46 *Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him.*
Almost the same thing played out when Joseph solved Pharaoh's problem through his interpretation, and this saved Egypt for a period of fourteen years, Gen 41:1-35.
This made Daniel, whose name means 'God will judge', one of God's most fearful prophets and, though oppressed, yet most consistently honored by successive kings. Daniel not only influenced Babylon, he influenced Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were set *....over the affairs of the province of Babylon:*, Dan 2:49.
Daniel, a man of dreams and vision understanding and interpretation, was placed in a Babylon where God spoke to kings in signs and dreams they could not interpret.
God will not place you where there is no need of you.
This was, however, without some sacrifices in the same place he was needed.
He and his friends were made eunuchs.
While he and his friends were carrying these harsh and inhumane conditions in their bodies, Daniel was focused to remain in the gates of a king who made him eunuch.
The only answer to this perseverance in persecution was Daniel's love for God.
People who love God find God in difficult times where God seems not to be. They remain and will not leave until God moves them.
Not all captives remained at the kings gates, like Daniel and his friends.
He had a choice to be away from it all, but he stood the thick and thin of it all
For Daniel to remain faithful as he was tells us his unwavering love for God.
It is right to say that if Daniel had kept away from it all or made himself irrelevant to what was happening in Babylon, who would have interpreted these dreams at that time in question?
Though no one is indispensable but often times when God places you in a place, you will be tasking God to begin to look for a replacement when it would not have been necessary if you remained at the kings gate.
Not many people would want to remain in the gates of a king who killed their desires for nature just to please himself.
Not many people would want to remain in the gates of kings that were demanding and full of threats one after the other.
Daniel, however, did!
God teaches us through Daniel that we could as Daniel did.
Daniel remained at the king's gate!
*Remorse corner.*
When you are focused on God, you will find Him wherever He places you.
*Call to Word action.*
Dan 2: 28 *But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;*
*The Christian clarion duty.*.
Daniel remained at the king's gate not because of the king but because of God.
Lord, help me to be where You have placed me, in Jesus name.
Good morning all, and have a blessed day today.
God bless you.