*WISDOM FOR TODAY.* *A NEW HOPE: A BETTER TODAY AND GREATER TOMORROW.* *Scripture Treasure.* *1 Cor 15:14–►*And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.* *Insight and Highlight.* 1 Cor 15:19–► *If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.* If there is no resurrection, our hope in Him will only be limited to this life. *Scripture Commentaries.* This week is Passion week. It marks events of Christ's pain and sufferings to the cross. At the cross, Christ died and our redemption was settled, so also at the cross we bring our sufferings and our once blurred hopes for tomorrow are made alive. The risen Lord gives us a new hope having conquered death. He lives forever so that we can face tomorrow. He owns and has great plans for our future. *Remorse corner.* Are you afraid of today or tomorrow? Believe God, Christ's death cannot be in vain! . *Call to Word Action* *Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.* Heb 13:8. *The Christian clarion duty.* Jesus’s journey to the cross was a journey to my future, so as l go today, He goes before me and so l am confident my tomorrow shall be well. *Prayer* I receive the joy and power of resurrection. It will be everlasting in my life in Jesus name.. Good morning all and be blessed as you go today. God bless you.
Israel Ekundayo